SAYL Mail December 7, 2018

In this issue…

  • SAYL News in Brief
  • Scholarships ,Grants and Awards Opportunities
  • Training and Continuing Education Opportunities
  • As seen on Alaska School Library Facebook
  • Employment Opportunities


In Brief


Closes December 15, 2018   AkASL Professional Development Grants to attend Feb 2019 AKLA Conference in Juneau, Feb 2019 ASTE Conference in Anchorage.

For more information:


Closes Dec 20, 2018 The Alaska Retired Educators Association (AKREA) is offering awards of up to $200 to five classroom teachers for projects otherwise unfunded. The money is available for the second semester. For an application form or further information contact Virginia Walters at


Closes January 15, 2019  AKLA Scholarships. Please check the guidelines for the School Librarian Jo Morse Scholarship.


Rescheduled:  December 18, 2018

Alaska Board of Education meeting (Alaska Library Standards on the agenda)

The meeting starts at 12:00pm and public testimony will be taken at 12:10pm after the preliminary stuff. Check the agenda/ board packet and  AkASL for more information.


Congratulations! to Staci Cox, Librarian at Romig /West High School. She is the recipient of the Fall 2018 Anchorage School District Denali Award.

“She is described by her principal as passionate and dedicated to student success and lifelong achievement. Ms. Cox serves over 2500 students between the two schools with diverse needs, from students in Spanish and Russian Immersion programs to West High students in the International Baccalaureate Program.”


Earthquake Updates

Eagle River Elementary School will be closed and students will be transferred to other elementary schools. Laura Guest the Librarian will keep us posted as to the impact on her duties and the status of the library.

Refer to the list of earthquake and disaster stories given below in   “as seen on AKSL Facebook” for sharing with students. Share with us other titles as you find them. Other resources include: Helping Children after a Natural Disaster  and a selection of children’s books online both fiction and nonfiction


Week of Code Activities

If you participated in these activities, please share your stories and pictures with ASL. We’d love to showcase your work!



Scholarships, Grants and Awards Opportunities


Deadline: January 18, 2019 Nominations due for the following


Deadline:  January 25, 2019 Nominations for the following


Deadline: February 1, 2019   Collaborative School Library Award sponsored by Upstart

$2,500“Recognizes and encourages collaboration and partnerships between school librarians and educators in meeting goals outlined in National School Library Standards for Learners, School Librarians and School Libraries through a joint planning of a program, unit or event in support of the curriculum and using school library resources.”

Deadline: February 1, 2019   Roald Dahl’s Miss Honey Social Justice Award

$2,000 to the librarian, up to $1,000 in reimbursement towards travel and housing to attend the AASL awards presentation at the ALA annual Conference and $5,000 book donation by Penguin Random House.

Deadline:  Feb 1, 2019   The Ruth Toor Grant for Strong Public School Libraries

$3,000 to create and implement a project that promotes school library awareness and its accomplishments to school officials and administrators. $2,000 for both the school librarian and school official (or volunteer parent) to attend the AASL national conference or the ALA Annual Conference during the years when there is no AASL national conference.

Deadline:  Feb 1, 2019   Inspire Collection Development Grant

Up to $5,000. Update and/or diversify your book, online, subscription and/or software collection in a public middle or high school. Awarded to individual schools located in the U.S. One staff position must be a certified school librarian at the school or district level.



Training and Continuing Education Opportunities

Saturday, Dec 8 (8-11:30 am) STEAM Activities for Your Classroom (Simple K12)

More STEAM activities and tools for your classroom or school library, including coding.

For more information and to register


December 12, 2018    Students Leverage Technology Tools and Makerspaces to Personalize Instruction (edWeb) Learn how SETDA’s 2018 Student Voices Award Winner, St. Albans City School in Vermont, embraces technology tools to personalize instruction. Fourth to sixth grade students will discuss their STEAM classes and their use of the makerspace to explore their personal passions and artistic abilities. In addition, students will share how the school’s collaborative stewardship projects support the community.


December 13, 2018  YALSA Teen Services Competencies free webinar. This last session of the year is on Continuous Learning. These webinars are free and although the live sessions are during the school day, the webinars are archived.


Monday, December 17, 2018  (11:30-12:30 pm) YA Reads for the New Year (Idaho Commission for Libraries)

What’s coming down the pike for your young adult readers in 2019? Learn what titles are on their way and what titles remain in top reading lists.


Article: Can You Show Netflix in Class? Copyright for Teachers Made Simple

Always good to have a short article on hand for teachers after you’ve explained the situation at hand.


Article: How classrooms can Start Talking about Race in just 6 Words

A simple method derived from the Race Card Project that asks students to share experiences and questions in just six words about a topic that can be hard to talk about.



As Seen on Alaska School Libraries Facebook

Books to consider for sharing in response to recent geological upheavals:

  • Eight Days: a Story of Haiti by Edwidge Danticat
  • A Place Where Hurricanes Happen by Renee Watson
  • Ninth Ward by  Jewell Parker Rhoades
  • Under the Ashes by Cindy Rankin
  • Outrun the Moon by Stacey Lee


Graphic Novels involving the Refugee Experience by Kristyn Dorfman as seen on Teen Librarian Toolbox

The UN Refugee Agency figures there are 25.4 million refugees and half are under the age of 18. This list features both adult titles and those written for the MS/HS audience. The author features publisher blurbs with each title. Includes several graphic novels and memoirs.


NASA Media Library

This online collection contains 140,000 images and recordings from space. All are consolidated into one searchable location.


Employment Opportunities (Alaska Teacher Placement)


Closing 12/21/18   Other/Library/Media Specialist  Hydaburg School    Posted: 11/24/18, Available 1/07/19


“The Hydaburg City School District is seeking to hire a librarian.  This is a permanent position.  The district will be creating, in collaboration with the community, a new library and the person hired for this position will be in on the “ground floor” of this library.  We are looking for someone who is an organized,  self-starter willing to work closely with the community of Hydaburg.  While a degree in library science is preferred, applicants with a background in language arts or history will also be considered.”