This is the complete record of scholarships, grants, and other award opportunities posted in SAYL Mail, listed by closing date.  These archives may give you an idea of which grant cycles occur during certain parts of the year, but some funding cycles change from year to year and some dry up entirely.  Original links are not maintained (i.e. You might find dead links). 

Rolling.  Originally Posted February 3rd, 2016

Alaska Association of School Librarians Professional Development Grants

The Alaska State Library, through the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Library Services and Technology Act (Federal Source CFDA 45.310) has generously provided funding for grants to attend conferences and other Professional Development opportunities.

Those interested, can apply for grants to attend (and travel to) a variety of conferences, classes, and workshops for professional development, including the Alaska Library Association annual conference, American Library Association national conference, and online webinars.

Out-of-state travel: 80 days prior to conference
In-state travel: 60 days prior to conference
Online events: 40 days prior to event

Preference is given to applicants who are current AkASL members.

Grant recipients will be reimbursed up to the following toward registration, hotel, and travel:  $500 for online training, $1,000 for in-state conferences, and $1,500 for out-of-state conferences.

Please note travel and housing will only be provided to applicants who do not live in the community where the conference is being held. For example, if AkLA is held in Anchorage, Anchorage applicants are only eligible for registration reimbursement.

Awardees will be required to report on their grant activities, submit all receipts for reimbursement, and write one brief article for each day of conference attendance for possible use in the Puffin, AkASL’s online blog.

Don’t wait until the last minute. Apply NOW

Rolling.  Originally Posted October 26th, 2017

Inspire Disaster Recovery Grant. Up to $30,000 per year for “help and support a pre-existing public middle or high school library—led by a certified school librarian—that has incurred damage or hardship due to a natural disaster.”

Rolling. Originally Posted March 2nd, 2016

Closing Student Bridge Scholarship Program.  Covers the cost difference between student membership rates and regular membership rates for three consecutive years.

Rolling. Originally posted April 12th, 2018.

SparkFun Community Partner Program.  STEM/STEAM-related prize packages, event and team sponsorships and other types of support

Rolling.  Originally Posted May 25th, 2016

Teaching with Primary Sources, Western Region.  Up to $20,000 to help incorporate TPS materials and methods into existing programs for teachers.


Pilcrow Foundation Disaster Relief Grant.   Libraries serving rural communities in the United States affected by recent tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, or other natural disasters. $800 worth of new, quality, hardcover children’s books from The Pilcrow Foundation’s booklist

Closing Feb. 1st, June 1st, and October 1st.  Originally posted April 12th, 2018.

NEA Learning & Leadership Grants.  $2,000 (individual) or $5000 (group) for professional development for NEA members.

Closing Feb. 1st, June 1st, and October 1st.  Originally posted April 12th, 2018.

NEA Student Achievement Grants.  $2,000 (individual) or $5000 (group) for classroom resources for NEA members.

Closes January 1st, 2018. Originally Posted August 20th, 2015

AASL Awards season is open.  Ten awards open to school libraries and related programs/faculty ranging from $1,250 to $10,000

  • the National School Library Program of the Year Award, $10,000 and a crystal obelisk, sponsored by Follett, recognizes a school library program that meets the needs of the changing school and library environment and are fully integrated into the school’s curriculum;
  • the Distinguished Service Award, $3,000, sponsored by Baker & Taylor, which recognizes an individual member of the library profession who has, over a significant period of time, made an outstanding national contribution to school librarianship and school library development;
  • the ABC-CLIO Leadership Grant, up to $1,750, sponsored by ABC-CLIO, which is given to school library associations that are AASL affiliates for planning and implementing leadership programs at the state, regional or local levels;
  • the Collaborative School Library Award, $2,500, sponsored by Upstart, which recognizes and encourages collaboration and partnerships between school librarians and teachers in meeting goals outlined in “Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs” through joint planning of a program, unit or event in support of the curriculum and using media center resources;
  • the Distinguished School Administrator Award, $2,000, sponsored by ProQuest, which is given to a school administrator who has made worthy contributions to the operations of an exemplary school library and to advancing the role of the school library in the educational program;
  • the Frances Henne Award, $1,250, sponsored by ABC-CLIO, which enables a school librarian with five or fewer years in the field to attend an ALA Annual Conference or AASL National Conference for the first time;
  • the Innovative Reading Grant, $2,500, sponsored by Capstone, which is designed to fund literacy projects for grades K-9 that promote the importance of reading and facilitate literacy development by supporting current reading research, practice and policy;
  • the Intellectual Freedom Award, $2,000 to the winner and $1,000 to the school library of the winner’s choice, sponsored by ProQuest, which is given for upholding the principles of intellectual freedom as set forth by AASL and the ALA;
  • the Roald Dahl’s Miss Honey Social Justice Award. $2,000, a $5,000 book donation from and up to $1,000 in reimbursement towards travel and housing to attend the AASL awards presentation at the ALA Annual Conference; sponsored by Penguin Random House, the award recognizes

Closes January 1st, 2018.

Bogle Pratt International Travel Fund. $1,000 to an ALA personal member to attend their first international conference.

Closes February 1st, 2018. Originally Posted October 6th, 2015

Collaborative School Library Award.  $2500 award “recognizes and encourages collaboration and partnerships between school librarians and teachers in meeting goals outlined in Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs.”

Closes February 1st, 2018. Originally Posted October 26th, 2017

Inspire Collection Development Grant. Up to $20,000 per year for “an existing public middle or high school can extend, update, and diversify the book, online, subscription and/or software collections in their library in order to realize sustainable improvement in student achievement at their school.”

Closes February 1st, 2018.  Originally Posted October 6th, 2015

The Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced With Adversity.  “The prize will be a generous amount of cash from Mr. Snicket’s disreputable gains ($10,000), along with an odd, symbolic object from his private stash, and a certificate, which may or may not be suitable for framing.”

Closes January 15th, 2018.  Originally Posted November 5th, 2015

AkLA has established a scholarship program to support the education of librarians by providing financial assistance to worthy students pursuing graduate studies in Library Science.  Guidelines and application forms are available online.

Closes February 21st, 2018.  Originally Posted December 16th, 2015

The Coretta Scott King Book Awards Donation Grant. 60-100 titles by African American authors and illustrators for collection development in latchkey, preschool programs, faith-based reading projects, homeless shelters, charter schools and underfunded libraries.

Closes February 1, 2018.

The Ruth Toor Grant for Strong Public School Libraries.  $3000 to create and implement a project that promotes school library awareness and its accomplishments to school officials and administrators.  + $2000 to attend AASL or ALA national conference.

Closes February 1st, 2018.  Originally Posted May 11th, 2016

 Inspire Collection Development Grants.  Up to $2000 for public middle or high school libraries to update their existing collection or plan a special event in order to enhance student learning.

Closes February 8th 2016. Originally Posted January 21st, 2016

PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovators. One Lead Digital Innovator from each state will receive three day expense-paid trip to the national ISTE conference and a Samsung tablet computer.

Closes February 14, 2018. Originally Posted January 4th, 2018

Schools in Need Giveaway.  Win one of 500 subscriptions to Booklist and Book Links magazine.

Closes February 15th, 2018.  Originally Posted November 18th, 2015

 Pat Carterette Professional Development Grant.  Up to $1,000 to attend a continuing education event in 2016-17.

Closes February 26th, 2018.   Originally Posted February 3rd, 2016

El Día de Los Niños/El Día de Los Libros (Children’s Day/Book Day) $500 in selected multicultural children’s books for libraries hosting a Día program.

Closes February 28th, 2018.  Originally Posted January 6th, 2016

 The Annual ISTE Awards recognize exceptional educators and leaders who are paving the way for connected learning.”  Six juried and two non-juried awards for outstanding leadership in the digital age.  Up to $1,500 award, plus travel award, conference registration, and association membership fees.

Closes February 28th, 2018. Originally Posted January 21st, 2016

National Book Foundation’s Innovations in Reading Prize.  $10,000 to an individual/institution/partnership “that has developed innovative means of creating and sustaining a lifelong love of reading”.

Closes April 30th, 2018.  Originally Posted March 29th, 2018

Alaska Teacher of the Year.  During the official year of recognition, the NTOY Program is released from classroom duties to travel nationally and internationally as a spokesperson and advocate for the teaching profession.

Closes March 21st, 2018.  Originally Posted February 17th, 2016

Library of Congress 2016 Summer Teacher Institutes –Teaching with Primary Sources.  Professional development materials and instruction awarded at no cost.

Closes March 13, 2016.  Originally Posted March 2nd, 2016

2014 American Indian Youth Literature Award Books for School Libraries

The Alaska Association of School Librarians is accepting applications from school libraries for one of 15 sets of the 2014 American Indian Youth Literature Awards. Books must be added to library collections and cannot be given to individuals or classrooms.

Write an essay (no more than 300 words) about how the books will impact your patrons and/or collection. Preference will be given to libraries serving rural and/or Alaska Native students. At the top of the essay, include your name, email address, telephone number, and mailing address.

Submit entries by email (preferred) at; by mail at AkASL, PO Box 1010085, Anchorage, AK, 99510-1085; or at the AkASL booth at the AkLA Conference in Fairbanks, March 10-13.

If more than 15 requests are made, preference will first be given to applications that clearly identify a rural and/or Native service population. Any remaining book sets will be awarded by a random drawing. This fulfills goals and grant requirements of the Alaska Spirit of Reading program.

The awards recognize excellence in books by American Indians. By identifying and honoring outstanding writing and illustrations in the field of children’s literature, the American Indian Library Association encourages authors, illustrators, editors, publishers, and tribal entities to create materials that “present Native Americans in the fullness of their humanity in the present and past contexts.” Visit for more information.

Closes March 21st, 2016 (initial submission).  Originally Posted March 2nd, 2016

Knight News Challenge.  $200,000 to $500,000 for a program responding to the challenge: “How might libraries serve 21st century information needs?”

Closes March 21st, 2018.  Originally Posted January 18th, 2018

The Library of Congress Summer Teacher Institutes.  Attend a week-long professional development program in the practice of teaching with primary sources, K-12.

Closes March 31st, 2018. Originally Posted January 21st, 2016

Ezra Jack Keats Foundation Mini-Grant.  Up to $500 for an innovative and creative program which bridges disciplines and grade levels, PK-12.

Closes April 1st, 2018.  

Pilcrow Foundation Children’s Book Project Grant(School/Public Combined only) Provides a 2-to-1 match to rural public libraries that receive a grant through its Children’s Book Project and contribute $200-$400 through a local sponsors for the purchase of up to $1200 worth (at retail value) of new, quality, hardcover children’s books.

Closes April 12th, 2018.  Originally Posted March 2nd, 2016

NEA Challenge America Grant.  $10,000 (minimum $10,000 match required) for programs that “extend the reach of the arts to underserved populations.”

Closes April 20th, 2018.  Originally Posted February 17th, 2016

Snapdragon Book Foundation Grant.  $500 – $20,000 to improve school libraries for disadvantaged children (primarily project-based collection development).

Closes April 30th.   Originally Posted March 29th, 2018

Alaska Teacher of the Year.  During the official year of recognition, the NTOY Program is released from classroom duties to travel nationally and internationally as a spokesperson and advocate for the teaching profession.

Closes May 1st, 2018.  Originally Posted September 19th, 2016

Penguin Random House Foundation Library Awards for Innovation.  $1,000 – $10,000 plus $1000 in PRH books to public libraries (or school libraries serving the capacity of public libraries) “creating innovative community-based programs, which encourage citizens to participate and support reading initiatives that connect libraries with their community.”

Closes May 1st, 2018. Originally Posted March 31st, 2016

Capstone Interactive eBook Matching Grants.  Double your Capstone ebook purchasing power. $750-$5,000.

Closes May 1st, 2018.  Originally Posted March 15th, 2018

Girls Who Code Club Fund.  $300 for existing Girls Who Code clubs for experiences encouraging girls to get excited about learning computer science.

Closes May 2nd, 2016. Originally Posted March 31st, 2016

 FTRF and GSLIS at Illinois  Intellectual Freedom Course and Scholarship Opportunities.  $700 towards 2-credit course on intellectual freedom, August 23 – October 11.  Open to LIS students.

Closes May 4th, 2018.  Originally Posted February 3rd, 2016

Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award for Exemplary Humanities Programming.  $5000 to a “school library that has conducted an exemplary program or program series in the humanities during the prior school year.”

Closes May 9th, 2016.  Originally Posted April 13th, 2016

 DOE Now Accepting Innovative Approaches to Literacy Grant Proposals.  Estimated Range of Awards to LEAs and Consortia of LEAs: $175,000 to $750,000

Closes May 11th, 2018.  Originally Posted April 27th, 2016.

Banned Books Week Grants Offered through Freedom to Read Foundation’s Krug Fund.  $1,000 and/or $2,500 in support of activities celebrating Banned Books Week.

Closes May 21st, 2018.  Originally Posted March 31st, 2016

SLJ School Librarian of the Year.  $2,500 cash award, plus $2,500 worth of print and digital materials from Scholastic Library Publishing.

Closes May 31st, 2018.  Originally Posted May 25th, 2016

Best Buy Community Grants.  $5,000-10,000 to schools within 25 miles of a Best Buy store for”out-of-school time programs that create hands-on access to technology education and tools that teens will need to be successful in their future schooling and careers.”

Closes June 1st, 2016.  Originally Posted April 13th, 2016

2016 Teen Read Week Activity Grant.  $1000 “to help fund literacies-focused Teen Read Week (October 9-15) programs and activities that are especially geared towards youth who speak English as a second language.”

Closes June 16th, 2016.  Originally Posted May 25th, 2016

 ASCD Teacher Impact Grants.  $10,000 average award “for promising teacher-led, administrator-supported ideas, programs, or initiatives to improve education.”

Closes July 31st, 2018.  Originally Posted March 31st, 2016

James Patterson and Scholastic Book Clubs Giveaway  $500 and 500 Scholastic Book Points (Sweepstakes) for classroom libraries.

Closes September 1st, 2018.  Originally Posted March 2nd, 2016

ALAN CART/CAMPBELL Grant for Librarians.  $500 and registration fees for two-­day ALAN Workshop which is held at the annual convention of the National Council of Teachers of English.

Closes October 1st, 2018.  Originally Posted September 6th, 2018

Pilcrow Foundation Children’s Book Project Grant(School/Public Combined only) Provides a 2-to-1 match to rural public libraries that receive a grant through its Children’s Book Project and contribute $200-$400 through a local sponsors for the purchase of up to $1200 worth (at retail value) of new, quality, hardcover children’s books.

Closes October 1st, 2018.  Originally Posted September 6th, 2018

ALSC 2019 Penguin Random House Young Readers Group Awards.   $600 stipend to attend their first ALA Annual Conference and invitation to the Newbery-Caldecott-Legacy banquet.

Closes October 1st, 2018.  Originally Posted September 6th, 2018

Nominations for I Love My Librarian Award.  “Nominees must be currently working in the United States in a public library, a library at an accredited two- or four-year college or university or at an accredited K-12 school. In order to be eligible, each nominee must be a librarian with a master’s degree from a program accredited by the American Library Association in library and information studies or a master’s degree with a specialty in school library media from an educational unit accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education.”

Closes November 2nd, 2016. Originally Posted October 6th, 2015

EBSCO offers five scholarships to librarians attending 2017 ALA Midwinter Meeting. $1500.

Closes November 15th, 2018. Originally Posted October 6th, 2015

[School and Public collaborative] Maureen Hayes Author/Illustrator Award. Up to $4000 to provide a visit from an author/illustrator.

Closes November 16th, 2018.  Originally Posted March 2nd, 2016

ALA Great Stories Club on Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation.  “Copies of three theme-related books to use in reading and discussion groups; travel and lodging support to attend a national orientation workshop in June 2016 ; and a variety of programming support materials.  All types of U.S. libraries located within or working in partnership with an organization that serves at-risk youth are eligible to apply.”

Closes December 1st, 2018. Originally Posted September 9th, 2015

Capstone Interactive eBook Matching Grants.  Double your Capstone ebook purchasing power. $750-$5,000.

Closes December 1st, 2016. Originally Posted October 6th, 2015

Frances Henne/YALSA/VOYA Grant Application.  $1000 towards research project responding to the YALSA Research Agenda..

Closes December 12th, 2015. Originally Posted September 9th, 2015

Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries. For first-time recipients.  Staffed, designated, and established school libraries with at least 85% Free/Reduced Lunch are eligible. Up to $7,000

Closes December 15th, 2017. 

Follett Challenge.  $8,000 – $60,000 in Follett products and services for “an incredible program that’s changing the way you teach and your students learn.”