[tabby title=”General Information”]

[su_frame]Public Library Directors, please visit the State Library SPCL Libguide.[/su_frame]

School-Public Library Collaborative Training


The Alaska State Library is pleased to announce a School-Public Library Collaborative Training (SPCL) will be held in Fairbanks at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks campus during the week of July 25-29, 2016.  SPCL is a grant-funded, intensive weeklong workshop providing management and foundational library skills to non-certified school library assistants and public library directors without a Master’s degree in Library Science.

During SPCL, school library assistants and public library directors will participate in joint and separate training sessions. Participants will receive instruction in the areas of library administration, management, collaboration, collection development, copyright and student confidentiality, reference services, youth services, and technology.

 School library paraprofessionals will:

       Benefit from enhanced leadership skills
       Be empowered with a sense of confidence in their duties
       Gain the expertise needed to communicate clearly with library professionals regarding professional practice.
       Have a greater understanding of their roles as information paraprofessionals

Participants of (SPCL) will be reimbursed for their travel and receive a per diem for meals not provided during the workshop.  Dorm arrangements for participants will be made by the Alaska State Library.  Lodging will be in university dorm rooms (singles). Participants are expected to attend all scheduled classes and events.

For more information on SPCL please contact:

Jared Shucha, School Library Consultant (907) 586-6806

 [tabby title=”Registration”]

Return participation agreement and travel Itinerary to: julita.lim@alaska.gov

Alaska State Library
P.O. Box 110571
Juneau, AK 99811

Phone: 907-465-2910
Fax: 907-465-2151

word20132016 SPCL Participation Agreement

 [tabby title=”Program”]

SPCL Tentative Schedule

Monday, July 25                     

  • Welcome and library logistics and introductions
  • State library staff, service roles & responsibilities, library director job description
  • Cultural responsibility
  • Library profession philosophy, ethics.
  • Library laws and regulations, confidentiality
  • Mission, goals & objectives.
  • Your community profile
  • Alaska’s professional library organizations
  • Reading Resource Center,  story time demonstration
  • Takeaways – Library strengths

Tuesday, July 26        

  • Policies vs. Procedures
  • Essential policies: conduct, collection development
  • CIPA and FERPA
  • Organization of collections
  • Children’s literature
  • Electronic collection evaluation
  • Children’s/YA book preview
  • Breakout Sessions:
    • Public: Acquisition/selection/donations
    • School: School collection development
  • Weeding
  • Takeaways – Library weaknesses

Wednesday July 27                

  • Grants
  • Breakout Sessions:
    • School: Budgeting, Book Fairs, PTA
    • Public: Statistics, OWL
  • Sources for funding, Rasmuson Foundation
  • Database Scavenger Hunt
  • Digital Literacy/Digital Citizenship
  • Breakout Sessions:
    • Public: Technology Planning
    • School: Research fundamentals
  • Takeways – Library opportunities

Thursday, July 28                   

  • Reference services
  • Reference interview activity
  • Summer reading
  • Book repair and maintenance
  • Fairbanks area library tours
  • Takeaways – Three library actions
  • Travel claims

Friday, July 29th

  • Programming
  • Teen programs
  • Breakout Sessions:
    • Public: Adult programs
    • Schools: Collaboration and curriculum
  • Passive Programs and displays
  • Evaluations
  • Advocacy
  • Individual consultation appointments
