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November 22nd – In This Issue…

Mollie Ward Greist Photograph Collection “Teachers at Thanksgiving dinner party at Flossie George’s” (Barrow). ASL-P90-012
SAYL News in Brief
Information Literacy Lessons Crucial in a Post-Truth World (KQ)
“For years we librarians have been teaching our students how to evaluate websites and warning students about the dangers of going out on the world wide web without applying a critical lens to what we find.”
Haines School and Lake Otis Elementary Win Patterson/Scholastic Awards (Publishers Weekly)
“The Patterson Pledge program, a partnership between bestselling author James Patterson and Scholastic Reading Club, designed to aid school libraries, has announced its list of grant recipients for 2016. The winners’ list is comprised of 452 schools from around the country that will receive grants ranging from $1000 to $10,000.”
Haines School Librarian and Students Create Book Review Videos (DEED Information Exchange)
Leigh Horner and the Haines Borough School Library were awarded a James Patterson Partnership Grant for $3,000.
“Sharing news from Haines from school librarian Leigh Horner: Last year I worked with the 5th-graders to make “book bites,” book reviews that we made using a green screen and the app DoInk (iOS only). Here are some of our videos:
Book Review – Amulet The Firelight by Kazu Kibuishi
Book Bite: Tell Me by Joan Bauer as told by Nora
A Wrinkle in Time Book Bite by Luke
We had so much fun making these last year, but I had to borrow iPads from classrooms and the green screen from the high school. It was frustrating at times not having the items to use when we needed them. We used green butcher paper and made our own green screen in the corner to practice with. I wanted our own equipment in the library and applied for a grant last spring. I plan on using the James Patterson grant to purchase equipment for the school library so we can get creative making videos. We will be ordering iPads, a green screen, microphones, and iPad stand. I also want to purchase the DoInk app that can incorporate animation into the videos.”
State Subscription to Teen Health and Wellness Ending
Tracy Swaim, Alaska Library Network
On January 15, 2017 statewide access to Teen Health and Wellness (through SLED) will cease. ALN has been working with Rosen (the vendor) to offer discounted pricing to any school or library who would like to keep access to this database.
Schools and school districts: Annual subscriptions begin at $395 (was $595) per building, and is tiered based on FTE. Additional discounts are also available for multi-building and/or school district subscriptions, and for multi-year purchases.
Public libraries: Annual subscriptions begin at $395 (was $595) per Library, based on population served. Discounts are available for multi-year subscriptions.
If you are interested, please contact Miriam Gilbert (Director of Rosen Digital) directly for a quote at 303.818.7187 or
AASL Invites Concurrent Session Proposals for Its 18th National Conference & Exhibition (KQ)
WHYY Expands Media Labs in School District (Philadelphia Tribune)
This is How Literary Fiction Teaches Us to Be Human (Signature)
Here’s How to Outsmart Fake News in Your Facebook Feed (CNN)
Scholarship, Grant, and Award Opportunities
For the complete record of scholarships, grants, and other award opportunities posted in SAYL Mail, visit the SGA Archives.
Closing November 30th – Capstone Interactive eBook Matching Grants. Double your Capstone ebook purchasing power. $750-$5,000.
Closing December 1st – Frances Henne/YALSA/VOYA Grant Application. $1000 towards research project responding to the YALSA Research Agenda.
Closing December 12th – Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries. For first-time recipients. Staffed, designated, and established school libraries with at least 85% Free/Reduced Lunch are eligible. Up to $7,000
Closing December 23rd – Follett Challenge. $8,000 – 60,000 for an essay and a video demonstrating how an educational program from your school or school district is preparing children to meet the demands of the 21st century.
Closing December 30th – ALA Great Stories Club. “Libraries selected to participate in the Great Stories Club receive 11 copies of three theme-related books (Theme: Nature vs. Nurture: Origins of Teen Violence and Suicide) to use in reading and discussion groups of 6 to 10 young adults; a variety of programming support materials; and online or in-person training (depending on past participation in the project).”
Applications Open for the 2017 AASL Awards. 12 grants and awards, ranging from $1,250 to $10,000 to “recognize excellence and showcase best practices in the school library field in categories that include collaboration, leadership and innovation.” National School Library Program of the Year closes January 1st. All other applications or nominations close February 1st.
Closing February 1st – ALSC Bookapalooza program. Winners receive “a collection of materials to be used in a way that creatively enhances their library service to children and families.”
Closing March 31st – Ezra Jack Keats Foundation Mini-Grant. Up to $500 for an innovative and creative program which bridges disciplines and grade levels, PK-12.
For the complete record of scholarships, grants, and other award opportunities posted in SAYL Mail, visit the SGA Archives.
Employment Opportunities
Media Specialist (District) – North Slope Borough
Additional and up-to-date information at Alaska Teacher Placement
Early Literacy Outreach Librarian – Anchorage Public Library
Training and Continuing Education Opportunities
[su_frame]Ongoing: Free subscription to ABC-CLIO School Library Connection and reVIEWs+ Online Professional Development Suite.[/su_frame]
Webinars are no cost and run approximately one hour unless otherwise noted. Opportunities not fitting your schedule? Many of these webinars will later be available as archives.
Wednesday, November 30th, 10am – FY2017 Competitive Bidding: Keys to E-rate Success (edWeb)
Thursday, December 1st, 11am – Research-Based Tools and Strategies Proven to Help Beginner Readers (edWeb)
Thursday, December 1st, noon – How to Increase Reading Rates with eBooks and Audiobooks (edWeb)
Tuesday, December 6th, 11am – Pop Literacy (ISTE)
Tuesday, December 6th, 4pm – Beyond the Hour of Code: Implementation for All (edWeb)
Wednesday, December 7th, noon – To Infinity and Beyond: Using Technology to Enhance PreK-2 Lessons (edWeb)
Thursday, December 8th, noon – Now I Have to Teach Coding? A Beginner’s Guide (edWeb)
Additional and up-to-date opportunities at the Library Development Training and Continuing Education Calendar
AkASL Puffin

The latest from the newsletter of the Alaska Association of School Librarians, The Puffin. To submit an article, please contact The Puffin editor.
AKLA Author Dinner featuring Newbery-Winning Author Matt De La Peña by Karla Barkman
Why Should You Go to AASL in 2017 by Lynn McNamara
Basic Steps to Remember in Genrefication! By David Brown
AKASL 2016 Articles By Donna Helmer
ALA 2016 Convention By Alisa Williams
The Future Ready Librarian: Is Your School Administration on Board? by Deborah Rinio
Comics – SCBWI – Teens Programming By Tamra Wear
Arbordale Article By Machelle Kelchner
AKASL Professional Development Grant Shareable Products By Karina Reyes
What to Do with the Kindies and Firsts! by Julie Doepken
Just Weed it! Historical Facts into Fiction! By Renee Foster
ALA Highlights by Caitlin Jacobson
Awesome Things to Share by Michelle Carton
ALA – Orlando, July 2016, Four Articles by Sheryl Wittig
My 1st Library Conference Fairbanks, AK March 2016 By Karina Reyes
AKLA Conference 2016 Articles By Sheila Degener
My Shareable Experience from the Alaska State Library Association Conference By Michele Chapman
AkLA Conference 2016 By Tina Nelson
Shareable Documents from Conference By Rory Morse
As Seen on Alaska School Librarians Facebook
A roundup of resources shared and questions asked on the Alaska School Librarians Facebook group. This is intended to give readers the chance to access resources at work if Facebook is filtered. Only timely questions, announcements, and links to non-Facebook resources are listed here.
11/10 – Please share with everyone you know who might be or might become a school library supporter…
11/11 – Art contest for your students! Deadline November 30th!
11/14 – I was a little behind in my news feed and saw this this morning. I love the graphic inside this blog post. And I’ve always secretly wanted to be called a ninja!
11/15 – Science contest for grades 5-12.
11/15 – [AASL Presents 30 ESSA State Workshops in 60 Days]
11/16 – [Tesoro Briefing Room Space Mural Contest!]
11/16 – There is a silver lining to just about everything. I can’t think of a more authentic learning experience for our students than evaluating the quality of websites for accuracy, authority, objectivity, etc. and having them understand the impact of not doing that. Here are some websites worthy of extra scrutiny.
11/19 – Show someone in the library how much you appreciate them! Nominations are being sought for
AkASL School Librarian of the Year Award
AkASL School Library Staff of the Year Award
AkASL Linda K. Barrett Service Award
AkASL Administrator: “Pat on the Back” Award
Make a stop by the AkASL web site to drop a name in the hat today!
(Make sure you hover and click on the library award you are interested in nominating a person for,)
11/20 – Your thoughts? [The Term ‘Graphic Novel’ Has Had A Good Run. We Don’t Need It Anymore]
11/22 – An opportunity. [The Great Thanksgiving Listen 2016]
11/22 – It seems like these are mostly services that were already provided through Novelist, but are now presented in a newly organized format. Definitely worth taking a look for readers advisories, promotion, Novelist training, and general inspiration. It’s a good place to start if you (like me) haven’t really dug in to Novelist before.
November 24th is Thanksgiving Day. State Library is Closed.
December 2nd is World Computer Literacy Day
December 5th – 11th is Computer Science Education Week and Hour of Code
December 10th is Dewey Decimal System Day
December 25th is Christmas. State Library is Closed
Something You’d Like to See in SAYL Mail?
To share news, success stories, resources, and opportunities, please contact Jared Shucha. The next issue will be December 7th. To get SAYL Mail updates sent to your inbox, request a subscription to the AkASL listserv and ask a colleague to do the same!