SAYL Mail – April 27th

This archive was originally posted at

April 27th – In This Issue…

Steve McCutcheon Collection, "Point Hope school & school children" May 19th, 1973. AMRC-B1990-014-5-AKNative-21-6-19B

Steve McCutcheon Collection, “Point Hope school & school children” May 19th, 1973. AMRC-B1990-014-5-AKNative-21-6-19B

SAYL News in Brief

Ben Eielson Jr/Sr High is Follett Challenge Grand Prize Winner

“Our cameras were rolling as our champion received the good news that their innovative program was declared this year’s winner and their school will be awarded $60K in Follett products and services!”

DOE Confirms Half of IAL Funds Reserved for School Libraries

“The Department of Education today issued a notice in the Federal Register clarifying that 50 percent of all Innovative Approaches to Literacy grant funds, more than $13 million, are reserved for use by school libraries.”

National Readathon Day 2016: Ice Cream, Grab Bags, and, of Course, Books (SLJ)

“While reading may often seem like a solitary activity, the second annual National Readathon Day is exactly the opposite: a chance to share the love of books and reading with thousands of fellow readers across the country.”

Frogs and Feelings Feature on School Library Association’s (UK) Non-fiction Prize Shortlist (The Guardian)

Weeding the Worst Library Books (The New Yorker)

Library Leadership: “Lead the Change” Three Cities Tour in Alaska (Alaska State Library)

Scholarship, Grant, and Award Opportunities

Ongoing – Alaska Association of School Librarians Professional Development Grants
Out-of-state travel: 80 days prior to conference
Deadline is May 16th for PNLA Conference, August 3-5
In-state travel: 60 days prior to conference
Online events: 40 days prior to event

Closing May 2nd
National Book Foundation’s Innovations in Reading Prize.  $10,000 to an individual/institution/partnership “that has developed innovative means of creating and sustaining a lifelong love of reading”.

Closing May 2nd – 
FTRF and GSLIS at Illinois  Intellectual Freedom Course and Scholarship Opportunities.  $700 towards 2-credit course on intellectual freedom, August 23 – October 11.  Open to LIS students.

Closing May 6th – 
Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award for Exemplary Humanities Programming.  $5000 to a “school library that has conducted an exemplary program or program series in the humanities during the prior school year.”

Closing May 9th
– DOE Now Accepting Innovative Approaches to Literacy Grant Proposals.  Estimated Range of Awards to LEAs and Consortia of LEAs: $175,000 to $750,000

newClosing May 15th – 2016 Banned Books Week Grants Offered through Freedom to Read Foundation’s Krug Fund.  $1,000 and/or $2,500 in support of activities celebrating Banned Books Week (Sept. 25–Oct. 1, 2016).

Closing May 20thSLJ School Librarian of the Year Nominations.  $2,500 cash award, plus $2,500 worth of print and digital materials from Scholastic Library Publishing.

Closing May 31st – 
James Patterson and Scholastic Reading Club.  $1000 to $10,000 for enhancements to school libraries.

Closing June 1st – 2016 Teen Read Week Activity Grant.  $1000 “to help fund literacies-focused Teen Read Week (October 9-15) programs and activities that are especially geared towards youth who speak English as a second language.”

Closing June 31st –
Capstone Interactive eBook Matching Grants.  Double your Capstone ebook purchasing power. $750-$5,000.

Closing September 1st
– ALAN Cart/Campbell Grant for Librarians.  $500 and registration fees to attend Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of the NCTE.

For the complete record of scholarships, grants, and other award opportunities posted in SAYL Mail, visit the SGA Archives.

Employment Opportunities

Additional and up-to-date information at Alaska Teacher Placement

Training and Continuing Education Opportunities

Webinars are no cost and run approximately one hour unless otherwise noted. Opportunities not fitting your schedule?  Many of these webinars will later be available as archives.

Ongoing: Free subscription to ABC-CLIO School Library Connection and reVIEWs+ Online Professional Development Suite.

April 28th, 11am –  Make, Do, Share: Build a STEM Learning Community (WebJunction)

April 28th, 10amAmping Up Your STEM Program (Booklist)

May 3rd, 10amWhat We’re Reading for Fall 2016 (Booklist)

May 12th, 11am – 3D Printing @ Your Library: Getting Started (Library Journal)

May 10th, 11:30 – noon – Great Non-Fiction Authors and Titles (

May 11th, 5:30 – 6 am – Great Non-Fiction Authors and Titles (

Beginning May 16th:  New on the Job (School Librarians).  Six week asynchronous course.  $250, includes text.  (ALA)

May 21st: Intellectual Freedom and Minors. $25/20 ALA non/members

July 25th – 29th – School-Public Cooperative Library (SPCL) Training, UAF

logo_3SPCL is an intensive weeklong workshop providing management and foundational library skills to non-certified school library assistants and public library directors without a Master’s degree in Library Science.

October 19th – 21st –  ALA and Harwood Institute 2016 Public Innovators Lab for Libraries.  $1,495 first team member/$995 additional team members.  Apply for an AkASL PD Grant for this conference by August 1st.

Additional and up-to-date opportunities at the Library Development Training and Continuing Education Calendar

AkASL Puffin


The latest from the newsletter of the Alaska Association of School Librarians, The Puffin.  To submit an article, please contact The Puffin editor, Cayla Armatti.

ALAN Announces the CART/Campbell Grant for Librarians

MAKE IT @ YOUR LIBRARY: AkLA 2016, Fairbanks

From a Reluctant Reader to Author Mike De La Pena: AkLA 2016, Fairbanks

Just Weed It: AkLA 2016, Fairbanks

February and March Display and Lesson Ideas

As Seen on Alaska School Librarians Facebook

Alaska_School_LibrariansA roundup of resources shared and questions asked on the Alaska School Librarians Facebook group.  This is intended to give readers the chance to access resources at work if Facebook is filtered.  Only timely questions, announcements, and links to non-Facebook resources are listed here.

4/16 – Not recommended: SWEET HOME ALASKA

4/18 – [Follett Acquires Baker & Taylor]

4/19 – We need a “gang sign”…

4/20 – Hi everyone, I need some brainstorming feedback on a summer teen program. During the school year I make monthly visits to a nearby middle school. I bring cookies and talk about books with whoever wants to join me for their lunch break. I usually continue the same pattern in the summer at the public library but add lunch and games. Now that we have the new valley library, I need to decide which room to use. The teen room is so popular and I’d love to use it more for library programming. But I don’t want food in there. It’s hard enough to keep it out already, that I don’t want to make an exception. We can have food in the lovely meeting room. It just seems silly to have such a nice teen room and not use it. Thoughts?

4/21 – Time to announce Southeast Alaska Small Schools Math Network’s famous summer camp. This year we are focusing on 2-12th grade math and science teachers (admin and teachers who focus on career education are welcome to apply). Nearing the end of the grant so you don’t want to miss the chance to travel to Seward, learn with researchers at the Sea life Center, Explore our career opportunites and why we teach math and sciene for all students at AVTEC, build an underwater ROV. The fun and learning just goes on and on! All expenses paid, credits and endless STEM and careers knowledge! Share with others! Space is limited though so apply soon.. Contact: for more information

4/25 – A message to school librarians from AASL President Leslie Preddy: Help us communicate the school library story at a national level by answering 8 simple questions about one week of activity in your school library.

4/26 – Question regarding Scholastic warehouse sales…worth going to? As in, worth driving up from Seward? I’d love to score some cheap books to give away. Please advise.

4/26 – I am proud and honored to say that Eielson is the Grand Prize winner for this year’s Follett Challenge! Congratulations to Nancy Woodward for this amazing achievement. Thank you to everyone who voted for this program. Eielson library will now have the most current and curriculum-supportive collections in our District!


4SLM2016_poster_light_160 2April is School Library MonthNational Poetry Month, Drop Everything and Read monthNational Financial Literacy Month

April 23rd – 30th –  Money Smart Week and  Preservation Week

April 30th –  El Día de Los Niños/El Día de Los Libros (Children’s Day/Book Day)

May is Get Caught Reading Month, Jewish-American History Month, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

May 1-7 – Choose Privacy Week

May 2-3 – National Library Legislative Day and Virtual Library Legislative Day

May 2-8 – Children’s Book Week and Screen-Free Week

May 21st – National Readathon Day

Something You’d Like to See in SAYL Mail?

phoneTo share news, success stories, resources, and opportunities, please contact Jared Shucha.  The next issue is May 11th.  To get SAYL Mail updates sent to your inbox, subscribe to the  and ask a colleague to do the same!