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February 17th – In This Issue…

Ward Wells Collection. “Practicing reading in an Anaktuvuk Pass classroom.” AMRC-wws-3421-252
SAYL News in Brief
Rinio Wins Frances Henne/YALSA/VOYA Research Grant
“…Rinio’s research looks to analyze which activities Alaskan secondary school partnerships have progressed student information literacy and aims to use this to create best practices in the classroom and library…” [Continue at ALA]
Anchorage School Library, Gym Closed Due to Damage from 7.1 Earthquake [ADN]
12 Ways to Nurture a Love of Reading [edutopia]
10th Grade English Students Take on the CRAAP Test Rumble [The Hooch Learning Studio]
School Librarians’ Monthly Chat
Interested in a chat with your fellow Alaskan school librarians? A monthly opportunity to meet with school library staff across the state to discuss ideas, inspirations, and special topics will be offered after normal school hours. Please use this survey to provide the day of the week and time that works best for you.
AkLA Conference Registration is open!
[su_animate type=”shake” duration=”6″]Early registration ends on Feb 26, 2016.[/su_animate]
Scholarship, Grant, and Award Opportunities
Alaska Association of School Librarians Professional Development Grants
The Alaska State Library, through the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Library Services and Technology Act (Federal Source CFDA 45.310) has generously provided funding for grants to attend conferences and other Professional Development opportunities.
Those interested, can apply for grants to attend (and travel to) a variety of conferences, classes, and workshops for professional development, including the Alaska Library Association annual conference, American Library Association national conference, and online webinars.
Out-of-state travel: 80 days prior to conference
[su_frame]Deadline is April 5th to apply for a grant for ALA Annual Conference, June 23-28 and for ISTE Annual Conference, June 26-29.[/su_frame]
In-state travel: 60 days prior to conference
Online events: 40 days prior to event
Preference is given to applicants who are current AkASL members.
Grant recipients will be reimbursed up to the following toward registration, hotel, and travel: $500 for online training, $1,000 for in-state conferences, and $1,500 for out-of-state conferences.
Please note travel and housing will only be provided to applicants who do not live in the community where the conference is being held. For example, if AkLA is held in Anchorage, Anchorage applicants are only eligible for registration reimbursement.
Awardees will be required to report on their grant activities, submit all receipts for reimbursement, and write one brief article for each day of conference attendance for possible use in the Puffin, AkASL’s online blog.
Don’t wait until the last minute. Apply NOW
Closing February 29th – Library of Congress 2016 Summer Teacher Institutes –Teaching with Primary Sources. Professional development materials and instruction awarded at no cost.
Closing February 29th – “The Annual ISTE Awards recognize exceptional educators and leaders who are paving the way for connected learning.” Six juried and two non-juried awards for outstanding leadership in the digital age. Up to $1,500 award, plus travel award, conference registration, and association membership fees.
Closing February 29th – El Día de Los Niños/El Día de Los Libros (Children’s Day/Book Day) $500 in selected multicultural children’s books for libraries hosting a Día program.
Closing March 1st – Pat Carterette Professional Development Grant. Up to $1,000 to attend a continuing education event in 2016-17.
Closing March 31st – Ezra Jack Keats Foundation Mini-Grant. Up to $500 for an innovative and creative program which bridges disciplines and grade levels, PK-12.
Closing April 15th – Snapdragon Book Foundation Grant. $500 – $20,000 to improve school libraries for disadvantaged children (primarily project-based collection development).
Closing May 2nd – National Book Foundation’s Innovations in Reading Prize. $10,000 to an individual/institution/partnership “that has developed innovative means of creating and sustaining a lifelong love of reading”.
Closing May 6th – Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award for Exemplary Humanities Programming. $5000 to a “school library that has conducted an exemplary program or program series in the humanities during the prior school year.”
Training and Continuing Education Opportunities
Webinars are no cost and run approximately one hour unless otherwise noted. Opportunities not fitting your schedule? Many of these webinars will later be available as archives.
Thursday, February 18th, 6am – STEM-ing Out webinar [Indiana State Library]
Friday, February 19th, 9am – Tech Talk: Build a virtual magazine shelf with EBSCO [Alaska State Library]
Conference: February 20th – 23rd – Alaska Society for Technology in Education (Anchorage) $245-545
Monday, February 22nd, Noon – From Technology to Talk: Digital Resources for Deeper Classroom Conversations [edWeb]
Wednesday, February 24th, 1pm – Flipping Your Classroom Using Free Resources [edWeb]
Wednesday, February 24th, 3pm – Twig to Tree: Creativity, STEM, and the Connected School Library [AASL]
Thursday, Feb. 25, 11am – Engaging Learners With Feedback and Collaborative Learning Environments [EdWeek]
March 2nd, 11am – Reading on Mobile Devices: Challenges and Opportunities [SLJ and ISTE]
March 2nd, 3pm – How to Build a Community of Engaged Readers with Bookopolis [AASL]
[Additional and up-to-date Opportunities at the Library Development Training and Continuing Education Calendar]
As Seen on Alaska School Librarians Facebook
A roundup of resources shared and questions asked on the Alaska School Librarians Facebook group. This is intended to give readers the chance to access resources at work if Facebook is filtered. Only timely questions, announcements, and links to non-Facebook resources are listed here.
2/5 – Just read the review for this app on CommonSenseMedia. It looks pretty great. AND it’s free for Educators and Librarians.
2/6 – Announcement for “Justice For All” Art Contest 2016. Open to K-8
Deadline for entries: March 15, 2016
2/6 – [She Helped Ephrata High Library Turn the Technological Pages]
2/8 – [Education Commissioner’s Firing Followed Refusal to Spend for Religious School]
2/8 – Did you see this site [DPLA Primary Source Sets] in the 29 January EED information exchange? It has some interesting resources! They are anticipating adding another 40 sets in April.
February is African American History Month, and Teen Dating Violence Prevention Month.
February 22nd – 26th Fair Use Week
March – Women’s History Month, National Reading Awareness Month
March 2nd – Read Across America (Dr. Seuss Day)
March 6th-12th – Teen Tech Week
March 16th – Freedom of Information Day
Something You’d Like to See in SAYL Mail?
To share news, success stories, resources, and opportunities, please contact Jared Shucha. The next issue is March 2nd.