In this issue…
SAYL News in Brief
News in Brief includes the average reading time with the source information.
PBS “The Great American Read” Premiers May 22nd [PBS. Resource]
“The Great American Read is an eight-part series that explores and celebrates the power of reading, told through the prism of America’s 100 best-loved novels (as chosen in a national survey). It investigates how and why writers create their fictional worlds, how we as readers are affected by these stories, and what these 100 different books have to say about our diverse nation and our shared human experience. ”
What has ALA done for you lately? Let me tell you! [Knowledge Quest]
Poverty & Reading: The Sad and Troubling Loss of School Libraries and Real Librarians [Nancy Bailey’s Education Website]
Harnessing Summer Excitement: Using a Medieval Travel Book to Spark Critical Thinking [Teaching with the Library of Congress]

Scholarships, Grants and Awards Opportunities
Innovative Approaches to Literacy Program Applications Due May 18
- Only High Need LEAs (“Local Education Agency”, generally these are school districts) can apply. The LEA must apply, not schools.
- Estimated Average Award to LEAs and LEA consortia: $500,000. Estimated Number of Awards [nationally]: 30.
Eligible districts in Alaska:
Alaska Gateway
Aleutian Region
Bering Strait
Iditarod Area
Lake and Peninsula Borough
Lower Kuskokwim
Lower Yukon
Northwest Arctic Borough
Southwest Region
St. Marys
Yukon Flats
DEED 21st Century Community Learning Centers FY19 Request for Applications
DEED is seeking applicants for competitive 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) funding that would begin providing programming in the fall of the 2018-19 school year. The goal of the 21st CCLC program is to raise student academic achievement by providing students engaging out-of-school-time academic assistance and educational enrichment opportunities. Any Alaska school district, community-based organization, tribal organization, or other public or private entity located in Alaska and working in partnership with their school and community is eligible to apply. Applications are due April 27, 2018. For questions, please contact Jessica Paris at or 907-465-8716.
[If your district identifies school libraries as community learning centers, it could fund extended hours, programs, and additional supplies. Contact Jared Shucha with questions.]
Closes April 30th. Alaska Teacher of the Year. During the official year of recognition, the NTOY Program is released from classroom duties to travel nationally and internationally as a spokesperson and advocate for the teaching profession.
Closes May 1st. Girls Who Code Club Fund. $300 for existing Girls Who Code clubs for experiences encouraging girls to get excited about learning computer science.
Closes May 1st. Capstone Interactive eBook Matching Grants. Double your Capstone ebook purchasing power. $750-$5,000.
Closes May 1st. Penguin Random House Foundation Library Awards for Innovation. $1,000 – $10,000 plus $1000 in PRH books to public libraries (or school libraries serving the capacity of public libraries) “creating innovative community-based programs, which encourage citizens to participate and support reading initiatives that connect libraries with their community.”
Closes May 4th. Sara Jaffarian School Library Program Award for Exemplary Humanities Programming. $5000 to a “school library that has conducted an exemplary program or program series in the humanities during the prior school year.”
Closes May 9th. Friends of ALSC Institute Scholarship. Registration and $1,000 travel stipend for ALSC National Institute September 27 – 29, 2018 for ALSC members who work directly with children in a library setting.
Closes May 11th. 2018 Banned Books Week Grants Offered through Freedom to Read Foundation’s Krug Fund. $1,000 and/or $2,500 in support of activities celebrating Banned Books Week.
Closes May 21st, 2018. SLJ School Librarian of the Year. $2,500 cash award, plus $2,500 worth of print and digital materials from Scholastic Library Publishing.
Closes May 31st. Best Buy Community Grants. $5,000-10,000 to schools within 25 miles of a Best Buy store for”out-of-school time programs that create hands-on access to technology education and tools that teens will need to be successful in their future schooling and careers.”
Closes June 1st. NEA Learning & Leadership Grants. $2,000 (individual) or $5000 (group) for professional development for NEA members.
Closes June 1st. NEA Student Achievement Grants. $2,000 (individual) or $5000 (group) for classroom resources for NEA members.
For the complete record of scholarships, grants, and other award opportunities posted in SAYL Mail, visit the SGA Archives.
Training and Continuing Education Opportunities
The following webinars are no cost and run approximately one hour unless otherwise noted. Opportunities not fitting your schedule? Many of these webinars will later be available as archives.
Thursday, April 26th, 10am – Building Digital Learning Environments: Tools for Implementation [edWeb]
Thursday, April 26th, 1pm – The Importance of Keyboarding [edWeb]
Thursday, April 26th, 4pm – Fighting Back When Cuts Are Threatened [ISTE School Librarians / EveryLibrary]
Friday, April 27th, 10am – Improve Comprehension; Avoid Summer Slide [Booklist]
Tuesday, May 1st, 8:30am – Live Streaming Event with Katherine Applegate [School Library Journal]
Tuesday, May 1st, 10am – Four Steps to Improve Equity and Close the Digital Gap with a Shared eBook & Audiobook Collection [OverDrive Education]
Tuesday, May 1st, noon – Best Digital Reading Practices for Early Literacy: Strategies for Teaching PreK-Grade 3 Students [edWeb]
Thursday, May 3rd, noon – Creating a Classroom of Active Nonfiction Reading Detectives [edWeb]
Monday, May 7th, noon – How Do We Get (and Keep) More Girls in STEM? [edWeb]
Tuesday, May 8th, 10am – Summer YA Announcements, 2018 [Booklist]
Tuesday, May 8th, 3pm –Using the Standards to Foster a Culture of Deep Learning [AASL]
Thursday, May 10th, 10am – Throw It Back with Penguin’s #TBT Webinar [School Library Journal]
Thursday, May 10th, 10am –Learning Environments [YALSA]
Additional and up-to-date opportunities at the School Library Development Training and Continuing Education Calendar
Employment Opportunities
9-12 Librarian, North Pole High, Fairbanks North Star School District, 1.0 FTE
K-6 Librarian, Eagle River Elementary, Anchorage School District, 1.0 FTE
K-6 Librarian, Scenic Park Elementary, Anchorage School District, 1.0 FTE
K-8 Librarian, Girdwood School, Anchorage School District, .5 FTE
K-6 Librarian, Ursa Major Elementary, Anchorage School District, 1.0 FTE
K-6 Librarian, Ocean View Elementary, Anchorage School District, 1.0 FTE
Youth Services Librarian I, Joyce K Carver Memorial Soldotna Public Library. Full-Time
Additional and up-to-date information at Alaska Teacher Placement
As Seen on Alaska School Librarians Facebook

A roundup of resources shared and questions asked on the Alaska School Librarians Facebook group. This is intended to give readers the chance to access resources at work if social media is filtered. Only timely questions, announcements, and links to non-social media resources are listed here.
4/14 – Thanks to a project grant from the Alaska State Council on the Arts and a grant from the Chilkat Valley Community Foundation we’ve been working with the artists from the puppet troupe Geppetto’s Junkyard after school.
4/15 – Good reminder that there are some great tools on here, not just from this year, but from previous years as well.
4/15 – Looking for ways to connect your students to those around the world? Check out this webinar.
4/23 – Librarian Opening at North Pole High School. Please share with any potential applicants.
4/23 – Alaska School Library Leadership Academy: Picking Up STEAM. Juneau, July 23-27. Join us!
4/25 – Have some school library pictures you’d like to have highlighted on DEED’s Facebook and Twitter? If you’ve got some great photos of learning in action, please check that FERPA permissions are on file for all identifiable students in the picture, and email pics to me ( along with something along the lines of “all students in this photo have photo permissions on file with x district.” If you’re not sure of permissions, share some photos of bulletin boards, displays, makerspaces, etc minus the students. Big thanks to DEED for helping to celebrate school libraries!
Check It Out Next Time!
The next issue will be May 10th. To share news, success stories, resources, and opportunities, please contact Jared Shucha. To get SAYL Mail updates sent to your inbox, request a subscription to the AkASL listserv and ask a colleague to do the same!
[su_frame]Jared Shucha
School Library Coordinator
(907) 465-8187[/su_frame]