Time to make your students famous! This is bigger than Hollywood-famous – it’s government publication famous!
We’re working on a web page and promotional material for School BAG (Broadband Assistance Grant) and need great photos of Alaskan students using school computers (ideally in your school library).
1. Preference will be given to photos from school districts that received School BAG funds this school year.
(Alaska Gateway, Aleutian Region, Bering Strait, Bristol Bay, Chatham, Chugach, Dillingham, Hoonah, Iditarod, Kenai, Kodiak, Kuspuk, Lake & Pen, Lower K, Nome, North Slope, NW Arctic, Pelican, Pribilof, St. Mary’s, SE Island, SW Region, Tanana, Unalaska, Yakutat, Yukon Flats, YK, Yupiit)
2. If computer screens are visible in the photo, they screens should:
A. Show educationally appropriate resources.
B. Not identify the student.
If you have a great photo that doesn’t quite meet these criteria, you should still let me know. Photoshop can work magic.
3. Before publication, building or district administration will need to send an email directly stating that FERPA and other permission for photo publication is on file for every student shown, and that DEED/State Library has permission to use the photo. If a signed permission form is requested, I can send one out.
4. Capturing students while engaged in learning is preferable to mugging for the camera.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns,
1/24 – Where’s the part in this article that says this is what librarians teach everyday?
1/25 – Fun post on bringing primary sources into your libraries and classrooms. I love the Library of Congress.
1/27 – Anchorage Librarians, are you paying attention? Have you gone to a board meeting lately? I have. At the last board meeting, library services were on the chopping block…again. [51 Teachers to Be Laid Off in Scranton]
1/28 – AkASL members: Voting is open now through February 6th for the AkASL Executive Board.
1/29 – For librarians in rural districts: In accordance with Section 5005 of the ESSA, Secretary DeVos is seeking information from the public regarding how the Department can improve upon its consideration of the unique needs of rural schools and districts as it develops and implements policies, programs, and procedures. Comments must be received by February 20th.
1/30 – If you’re using Poetry 180 with your students, new poems have been added
1/30 – Know a school colleague who’s awesome at social media? Nominate them for this award before March 2, 2018.
1/31 – Article by Deborah Rinio in Knowledge Quest FOCUS ON COLLABORATION How Understanding the Nature of Trust Can Help Address the Standards
1/31 – Dear school library colleagues,
If you got the time, I got the money.
Now that I have your attention, I have just been appointed as the Donors Choose Teacher Ambassador for the state of Alaska. I love DC and have had 200 projects funded—things like books, computers, art supplies, maker space materials, and more.
I now have small gift cards to donate to your first project. So email me if you want to learn how to create a project. Or go to ahead, go to https://www.donorschoose.org/teachers and create a project. When it posts, let me know and I will donate to it.
Also, this is not restricted just to librarians— if you have someone on your school staff (teacher, counselor, etc.) that you know hasn’t caught the DC fire and you convince them to do a project, I will also donate to their first time project.
Dona J. Helmer
Email: dona@helmer-dr.com