In this issue…
- SAYL News in Brief
- Scholarships, Grants and Awards Opportunities
- Employment Opportunities
- Training and Continuing Education Opportunities
- As Seen on Alaska School Librarians Facebook
- Almanac
SAYL News in Brief
Libraries Are Fining Children Who Can’t Afford to Be Without Books (NY Times)
‘”There was no way I was ever going to find that money,” Mr. Canada, the founder of the Harlem Children’s Zone program, said this week. “I never went to that library again.'”
Weeding to Let My Collection Grow (AASL)
“While this time of year brings thoughts of summer and a well-deserved break, we all know that the last few weeks of school are hectic in the school library. Books need to be collected, reading celebrations planned, awards ceremonies attended, summer reading programs rolled-out, and, of course, inventory completed.”
Titles to Inspire Tweens and Teens to “Build a Better World” This Summer (SLJ)
Speed Dating for Book Lovahs! (The Daring Librarian)
Scholarship, Grant, and Award Opportunities
Closing May 20th – SLJ School Librarian of the Year Nominations. $2,500 cash award, plus $2,500 worth of print and digital materials from Scholastic Library Publishing.
For the complete record of scholarships, grants, and other award opportunities posted in SAYL Mail, visit the SGA Archives.
Employment Opportunities
Librarian, Hutchison High School, Fairbanks
Librarian, Tanana Middle School, Fairbanks
Librarian, Chester Valley Elementary, Anchorage
Media Specialist, Chevak School
Additional and up-to-date information at Alaska Teacher Placement
Training and Continuing Education Opportunities
Interested in the Summer One-Day Workshop? Please RSVP.
The following webinars are no cost and run approximately one hour unless otherwise noted. Opportunities not fitting your schedule? Many of these webinars will later be available as archives.
Thursday, May 18th, 7am – Guiding Library Users in Literature Search, Evaluation and Sharing (Library Connect)
Thursday, May 18th, 11am – Closing the Homework Gap: Equity of Access for All Students Outside of School (edWeb)
Thursday, May 18th, 11am – Technology to Aid the Struggling Reader (SLJ)
Tuesday, May 23rd, 2pm – Top STEM Ideas to Keep Your Students Engaged at the End of the School Year (edWeb)
Wednesday, May 24th – Summer Reading 501: Helping Generation App Read This Summer (edWeb)
Additional and up-to-date opportunities at the Library Development Training and Continuing Education Calendar

October 25 – 26: Digital Library Intensive 2017. Juneau (2015 Description)
November 9 – 11: AASL Conference and Exhibition. Phoenix, AZ
As Seen on Alaska School Librarians Facebook

A roundup of resources shared and questions asked on the Alaska School Librarians Facebook group. This is intended to give readers the chance to access resources at work if Facebook is filtered. Only timely questions, announcements, and links to non-Facebook resources are listed here.
5/1 – SPREAD THE WORD! Teachers can now get access to My BrainPop features. Note the process!
Access is not automatic, please see the link at the Alaska Library Network for details. Also, using My BrainPop means dropping IP authentication for your school or district. Questions about the process should be sent to Cassandra Fostik at BrainPop. Her contact information is listed on the page I’m linking to.
5/4 – A Librarian, no less…. arrested for spontaneous laughter… ?
5/5 – From DEED Information Exchange: The Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) is seeking public comment on the first draft of the state plan to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the new federal education law. ESSA provides states with greater flexibility than the No Child Left Behind Act it replaces. States must submit plans to the U.S. Department of Education by Sept. 18 to show how they will implement ESSA.
Alaska’s first draft was shaped by over 4,000 stakeholder comments from nearly 1,000 Alaskans at 40-plus meetings conducted across the state over the last year. DEED now is seeking additional public comment to strengthen the first draft, ensuring that the plan takes full advantage of expanded state and local options and addresses the state’s unique educational needs and priorities.
DEED will gather public comment on this first draft through 8 p.m. on May 28. For the public’s convenience, DEED has created eight feedback forms that address the plan’s various sections. Members of the public may comment on the entire plan or only on the sections that interest them. DEED encourages the public to read the plan’s section(s) before commenting. The plan and all eight feedback forms are available at
5/11 – I hear about this sort of thing more and more. We all need to do everything we can to advocate for our libraries at every level so these things don’t happen in Alaskan schools and districts; especially in our current fiscal reality.
May 30th is Memorial Day. State Library closed
Check It Out Next Time!
SAYL Mail will be published once a month through the summer.
To share news, success stories, resources, and opportunities, please contact Jared Shucha. To get SAYL Mail updates sent to your inbox, request a subscription to the AkASL listserv and ask a colleague to do the same!
[su_frame]Jared Shucha
Alaska School Library Consultant
(907) 885-0660[/su_frame]