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January 10th – In This Issue…
Gil Eide “Juneau High School Students’ Business Staff” (January, 1956) ASL-P351-1354
SAYL News in Brief
Philadelphia School District Librarians: a Species Nearly Extinct? (Philadelphia Inquirer)
“School libraries have been disappearing in Philadelphia and elsewhere for years, but that the number of full-time, certified librarians is now in the single digits is astonishing, even to those who study library trends.”
Libraries Retain More Than $1.3 Billion in Federal Funding in Massive Spending Bill Passed by Congress (ALA)
Wikimedia Foundation Receives $3 Million Grant to Make Freely Licensed Images Accessible and Reusable (Wikimedia Foundation)
Ten Stories That Shaped 2016 (LIS News)
Alaska Digital School Library Participation Goal Extended
OverDrive is excited to offer interested schools and districts in Alaska the opportunity to join a digital shared collection.
The goal is to get participating schools signed up by January 24th February 28th – but schools can start at anytime. The more schools that participate, the more age-appropriate content will be available to maximize engagement and usage. OverDrive can help to select resources in the shared account and you can easily add more content just for your school via an individual collection.
For more information, visit the ADSL page
Scholarship, Grant, and Award Opportunities
For the complete record of scholarships, grants, and other award opportunities posted in SAYL Mail, visit the SGA Archives.
Ongoing – Alaska Association of School Librarians Professional Development Grants
Out-of-state travel, $1500 maximum: 80 days prior to conference
ALA (Chicago, June 22-27) deadline: April 3rd
In-state travel, $1000 maximum: 60 days prior to conference
Applications Open for the 2017 AASL Awards. 12 grants and awards, ranging from $1,250 to $10,000 to “recognize excellence and showcase best practices in the school library field in categories that include collaboration, leadership and innovation.” National School Library Program of the Year closes January 1st. All other applications or nominations close February 1st.
Closing January 15th – Future of Libraries Fellowship. The fellowship will provide a stipend of $10,000 to advance new ideas and perspectives for the future of libraries through the creation of a public product – report, white paper, video, resource, tool – that will help library professionals envision the future of library collections, partnerships, services, spaces, or technologies.”
Closing February 1st – ALSC Bookapalooza program. Winners receive “a collection of materials to be used in a way that creatively enhances their library service to children and families.”
Closing February 28th – “The Annual ISTE Awards recognize exceptional educators and leaders who are paving the way for connected learning.” Six juried and two non-juried awards for outstanding leadership in the digital age. Up to $1,500 award, plus travel award, conference registration, and association membership fees.
Closing February 28th – El Día de Los Niños/El Día de Los Libros (Children’s Day/Book Day) $500 in selected multicultural children’s books for libraries hosting a Día program.
Closing March 17th – Library of Congress 2017 Summer Teacher Institutes Professional development materials and instruction awarded at no cost.
Closing March 31st – Ezra Jack Keats Foundation Mini-Grant. Up to $500 for an innovative and creative program which bridges disciplines and grade levels, PK-12.
For the complete record of scholarships, grants, and other award opportunities posted in SAYL Mail, visit the SGA Archives.
Employment Opportunities
Aide II: Library – North Star Elementary, Kodiak
Media Specialist (District) – North Slope Borough
Additional and up-to-date information at Alaska Teacher Placement
As Seen on Alaska School Librarians Facebook
A roundup of resources shared and questions asked on the Alaska School Librarians Facebook group. This is intended to give readers the chance to access resources at work if Facebook is filtered. Only timely questions, announcements, and links to non-Facebook resources are listed here.
12/23 – How wonderful to see Dona on the news!
12/30 – The Future of Libraries is offering a $10,000 fellowship to a person or group to create a public product – report, white paper, video, resource, tool – that will help library professionals envision the future of library collections, partnerships, services, spaces, or technologies.
1/4 – Remember! There’s still time to offer a special thank you to that librarian you know who’s been working their heart out for your learning community. Nominate them and other library helpers [by January 12th]
1/5 – 35th Creative Writing Contest
Deadline: February 10, 2017
Over $800 in Prizes
Only one month left to enter the 35th Creative Writing Contest coordinated by the Alaska Center for the Book and sponsored by the University of Alaska Anchorage and Alaska Dispatch News.
Winning entries are awarded cash prizes, are announced in the Alaska Dispatch News with excerpts of selected entries. All winning entries are posted in the online edition of the paper and on LitSite Alaska ( All ages are invited to submit their best efforts in poetry, fiction, and/or nonfiction.
For contest rules, electronic submission instructions and the entry form go to:
Questions should be emailed to Sara Juday at
Contact: Rosemary Hall
The Lilead Project Releases 2017-18 Fellows Program Application Form
Applications for the second cohort of the Lilead Fellows Program are now available on the Lilead Project website. Applications are due on March 17, 2017.
The Lilead Project received IMLS grant funding in 2016 to support a second cohort of Lilead Fellows. The Lilead Fellows Program is an intensive professional development program for school district library supervisors. Like their predecessors, this second cohort will tackle challenging and pressing issues in their districts and work toward transformational change to support student success. UMD’s iSchool will partner with the Darden College of Education at Old Dominion University (Norfolk, VA) to carry out the expanded program.
For more information, please visit or contact the Lilead Project at You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.
The Lilead Project will host three information sessions to provide an overview of the program and answer questions about the application process. Two information sessions will be online webinars and one session will be in-person at the ALA Midwinter Conference in Atlanta, GA.
Online Information Sessions:
January 25, 2017, 4 – 5pm ET
February 7, 2017, 7 – 8pm ET
In-Person Information Session:
ALA Midwinter Conference, Atlanta, GA
Friday, January 20, 2017, 4:15 – 5pm ET
Hyatt Regency Atlanta, 265 Peachtree Street Northeast, Embassy C
To receive updates and reminders for the information sessions, individuals may RSVP by completing the following form:
1/8 – Do you work in a school library in Alaska that serves secondary students? Then, help me complete my doctorate by filing out this brief survey.
Some of you help me a few years back, but I’ve had to retool the project so if you completed the survey in the past, I need your help again.
If you know a secondary school librarian who isn’t in this group, first of all invite them to the group, and second feel free to share the survey.
1/10 – The author of the “The Martian” is helping to celebrate School Library Month in April. Like him, the school library was a favorite destination for me in high school.
January is Book Blitz Month and Braille Literacy Month
January 16th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. State Library is Closed.
January 24th is National Readathon Day
February is Library Lover’s Month, African American History Month, and Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
February 15th is President’s Day. State Library is Closed.
February 20-24th is Fair Use/Fair Dealing Week
February 23rd is Digital Learning Day
Something You’d Like to See in SAYL Mail?
To share news, success stories, resources, and opportunities, please contact Jared Shucha. The next issue will be January 26th. To get SAYL Mail updates sent to your inbox, request a subscription to the AkASL listserv and ask a colleague to do the same!