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September 19th – In This Issue…

Virginia Terrell Papers, “Children by the school bus, Jesse Lee Home.” (1952?) UAA-hmc-0432-f30-07
SAYL News in Brief
AkLA Accepting Program Proposals.
The AkLA 2017 conference planning committee is now accepting program proposals for the upcoming annual state conference in Ketchikan in February 2017.
Program proposals should be submitted by Sept. 30, and submissions will receive a response from the planning committee by Oct. 31.
For more information about the conference and the fun, friendly community of Ketchikan, please go to the website.
Celebrate Your Afterschool Progam with the 17th Annual Lights On Afterschool
“Lights On Afterschool is the only nationwide event celebrating afterschool programs and their important role in the lives of children, families and communities.” October 20, 2016.
Advice to New Librarians (KQ)
“As the school year begins, some of you may be starting as a school librarian for the first time. With my position, I am able to work with new school librarians in my district. Whether the librarians have just a few or many years as a classroom teacher, they step into this new role feeling overwhelmed with the common question, “Where do I begin?” The following hopefully answers that question and more.”
AASL Submits Recommendations to USED: Include School Librarians in State ESSA Planning (ALA)
“In its continuing efforts to highlight the importance of school librarian participation in the implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has submitted recommendations to the U.S. Department of Education (USED) in response to a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on ESSA accountability and state plans…”
How Can Your Librarian Help Bolster Brain-Based Teaching Practices? (MindShift)
“…“This is so new for teachers, whereas librarians have been doing this for ten years…”
Carla Hayden: New Librarian of Congress Makes History, with an Eye on the Future (The Guardian)
Step 1: Celebrate Banned Books Week (KQ)
The Fastest-Growing Format in Publishing: Audiobooks (WSJ)
How to Take Digital Citizenship Schoolwide During the 2016-17 School Year (EdSurge)
Scholarship, Grant, and Award Opportunities
Alaska Association of School Librarians Professional Development Grants
The Alaska State Library, through the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Library Services and Technology Act (Federal Source CFDA 45.310) has generously provided funding for grants to attend conferences and other Professional Development opportunities.
Those interested, can apply for grants to attend (and travel to) a variety of conferences, classes, and workshops for professional development, including the Alaska Library Association annual conference, American Library Association national conference, and online webinars.
Out-of-state travel: 80 days prior to conference
In-state travel: 60 days prior to conference
Online events: 40 days prior to event
Preference is given to applicants who are current AkASL members.
Grant recipients will be reimbursed up to the following toward registration, hotel, and travel: $500 for online training, $1,000 for in-state conferences, and $1,500 for out-of-state conferences.
Please note travel and housing will only be provided to applicants who do not live in the community where the conference is being held. For example, if AkLA is held in Anchorage, Anchorage applicants are only eligible for registration reimbursement.
Awardees will be required to report on their grant activities, submit all receipts for reimbursement, and write one brief article for each day of conference attendance for possible use in the Puffin, AkASL’s online blog.
Don’t wait until the last minute. Apply NOW
Closing October 1 – Penguin Random House Foundation Library Awards for Innovation. $1,000 – $10,000 plus $1000 in PRH books to public libraries (or school libraries serving the capacity of public libraries) “creating innovative community-based programs, which encourage citizens to participate and support reading initiatives that connect libraries with their community.”
Employment Opportunities
Additional and up-to-date information at Alaska Teacher Placement
Training and Continuing Education Opportunities
Webinars are no cost and run approximately one hour unless otherwise noted. Opportunities not fitting your schedule? Many of these webinars will later be available as archives.
Ongoing: Free subscription to ABC-CLIO School Library Connection and reVIEWs+ Online Professional Development Suite.
Tuesday, September 20th, 11am – Teen Programming: A Mover & Shaker’s Recipe for Impact and Success (WebJunction)
Tuesday, September 20th, 3pm – Engage Community & Incubate Creativity @ Your Library (AASL)
Thursday, September 22nd, 8am – Weeding the School Library Collection (Wyoming Libraries)
Monday, September 26th, 11am – How to Move Your Entire District to Support Struggling Readers (edWeb)
Thursday, September 29th, 8am – Voices from the Field: Recent E-Rate Changes (edWeb)
Thursday, September 29th, 11am – Music, Books and Puppet Connections for All Classrooms (edWeb)
Thursday, September 29th, 11am – Using Comics to Teach STEM (AASL)
Additional and up-to-date opportunities at the Library Development Training and Continuing Education Calendar
As Seen on Alaska School Librarians Facebook
A roundup of resources shared and questions asked on the Alaska School Librarians Facebook group. This is intended to give readers the chance to access resources at work if Facebook is filtered. Only timely questions, announcements, and links to non-Facebook resources are listed here.
9/11 – In preparation for the implementation of ESSA, AASL has released a new position statement on the Role of the School Library Program: AASL supports the position that an effective school library program plays a crucial role in preparing students for informed living in an information-rich society.
9/11 – [Free Online PD for Teacher Librarians]
9/11 – Teachers and librarians want to teach HTML and CSS, but there are some other products you can use that make presentable products quickly as well.
9/12 – There are always discussions on how to get the word out on different titles and social media ideas. Try this idea out at your school. Just snap and post. Parents, kids, and teachers can see what’s hot at your library.
9/13 – I take some issue with CSM book reviews, but their curriculum is generally great. iBooks free until September 30th.
9/13 – The different ways that copyrighted content finds perfectly legal uses in the classroom.
9/13 – [A Big Win In Alaska for Statewide Broadband in Libraries]
9/14 – You too could come to the Smithsonian for the summer. It has been an incredible experience.
9/15 – Just want to share the hard work that goes into creating a social media success and what you get out of it. You get out what you put in (and it applies to more than just squatty potty).
9/15 – Just something to think about when you consider collection development. That 0% really matters here in Alaska.
9/19 – Here is a very nice article about Shannon Cartwright.
September is National Library Card Sign-up Month.
September 15 – October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month
September 21st – 26th is Adult Education and Family Literacy Week
September 26th – October 1st is Banned Books Week
September 28th: Banned Website Awareness Day
October is Filipino American History Month, Italian American Heritage Month, Polish American Heritage Month, LGBT History Month, and Health Literacy Month
October is also National Reading Group Month and the month of the Global Read Aloud
October 1st – 8th is Alaska Book Week
October 5th is World Teachers’ Day
Something You’d Like to See in SAYL Mail?
To share news, success stories, resources, and opportunities, please contact Jared Shucha. The next issue will be September 29th. To get SAYL Mail updates sent to your inbox, request a subscription to the AkASL listserv and ask a colleague to do the same!