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November 5th – In This Issue…
SAYL News in Brief
New Research Report from Scholastic Confirms the Importance of School Libraries and Librarians
School Libraries Work!, a new research report providing evidence of the positive impact of school librarians and libraries on student learning, was released today by Scholastic, the global children’s publishing, education and media company, at the American Association of School Librarians’ 17th National Conference & Exhibition in Columbus, OH. The national- and state-level findings from more than 30 separate research studies included in the report demonstrate the integral role school libraries play in teaching and supporting student learning, while confirming that when school librarian staffing is reduced, student achievement in English Language Arts (ELA) suffers. [Continue Reading at Scholastic News Room]
The Digital Disparities Facing Lower-Income Teenagers [New York Times Bits]
Learning to Teach in the Digital Era Starts With Professional Development [K-12 Tech Decisions]
What Do “Future Ready” Students Look Like? [Edutopia]
Best Illustrated Children’s Books of 2015 [New York Times]
Tools to Engage Students When the Back-to-School Buzz Wanes [SLJ]
Scholarships, Grants, and Awards Opportunities
Closing November 30th – Capstone Interactive eBook Matching Grants. Double your Capstone ebook purchasing power. Minimum of $500 towards Capstone Interactive eBooks required by December 15th.
Closing December 1st – Frances Henne/YALSA/VOYA Grant Application. $1000 towards research project.
Closing December 1st – The Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced With Adversity. “$3,000 check + $1,000 travel, along with an odd, symbolic object from his private stash, and a certificate, which may or may not be suitable for framing.”
Closing December 14th — Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries. For first-time recipients. Staffed, designated, and established school libraries with at least 85% Free/Reduced Lunch are eligible. Up to $7,000.
Closing January 15th – AkLA has established a scholarship program to support the education of librarians by providing financial assistance to worthy students pursuing graduate studies in Library Science. Guidelines and application forms are available online.
Closing February 1st – AASL Awards season is open. Ten awards open to school libraries and related programs/faculty ranging from $1,250 to $10,000.

Closing March 24th – The Library of Congress is now accepting applications for its week-long Summer Institutes to effectively integrate primary sources into K-12 classroom teaching. [Correction – this is not currently open.]
Training and Continuing Education Opportunities
Opportunities not fitting your schedule? Many of these webinars will later be available as archives.
Friday, November 6th, 9-10am – Hour of Code: Computer Programming at Your Library
Monday, November 9th, 9-10am – Introduction to Proposal Writing
Tuesday, November 10, 7-8am – Measuring Success: How to Strategically Assess Your Program
Thursday, November 12, 10-11am – Story S-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-r-s: Curriculum Activities to Expand Children’s Favorite Books
Monday, November 16, 10:30 – 11:30am – Community Building in Schools
Tuesday, November 17, 10am – New Youth Nonfiction for Fall and Beyond
Wednesday, November 18th, 10am – Picture Books and Challenges: Dealing with Controversial Topics in Children’s Collections [$20 ALA/$25 Nonmembers]
[Additional and up-to-date Library Development Training and Continuing Education Calendar.]
As Seen on Alaska School Librarians Facebook
A roundup of resources shared and questions asked on the Alaska School Librarians Facebook group. This is intended to give readers the chance to access resources at work if Facebook is filtered. Only timely questions, announcements, and links to non-Facebook resources are listed here.
10/22 – Even those who haven’t identified as introverts will find some useful info here.
10/22 – Consider sharing this with your teachers [10 things classroom teachers need to know about modern school librarians]
10/25 – The Alaska Association of School Librarians is pleased to announce its 2015/2016 Spirit of Reading selection – Matt de la Peña, acclaimed YA and children’s book author. Matt will be visiting Fairbanks and surrounding regions around conference time – March 7 – March 12. Please email the program at if you are interested in an author visit. More information about Mr. de la Peña and his books can be found at his website at
10/27 – Overheard at Parent Teacher Conferences this year: “I didn’t know this school had a library.” Sigh…
10/28 – Just have to share this. Beginning of the article: “As the world-saving superhero known as The Librarian, actor Noah Wyle graciously acknowledges that he is single-handedly responsible for making librarians hot again.” Lol. By the way, has anyone seen this yet? No cable out here so I haven’t.
11/2 – Secondary librarians in the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District got together for a charitable project during October. Together, our schools gathered over 2,000 socks for the Fairbanks Rescue Mission! Way to go FNSBSD librarians! Special thanks to Rebecca Webb for organizing the group effort.’
11/5 – Here’s something your sports fans might like.
November is Native American Heritage Month.
November is Picture Book Month
November 10th – Author Neil Gaiman turns 55
November 11th – Veterans Day
Something You’d Like to See in SAYL Mail?
To share news, success stories, resources, and opportunities, please contact Jared Shucha. The next issue is November 5th.