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October 22nd – In this Issue…

“Hooper Bay School Shop” George Allen Dale. ASL-P306-0229. Graphics: Big Huge Labs Framer
SAYL News in Brief
Looking to Create a Makerspace in your Library? Here are Some Ideas.
Makerspaces are popping up everywhere and the definition of makerspaces is constantly evolving like the spaces themselves. Makerspaces, sometimes also referred to as hackerspaces, hackspaces, and fablabs are creative, DIY spaces where people can gather to create, invent, and learn. The focus, actually, is on the type of learning that goes on, not the stuff. Making is about learning that is: interest-driven and hands-on and often supported by peer-to-peer learning. This is often referred to as connected learning. Also, you don’t need a set space to facilitate this type of learning. You can have pop up makerspaces at various library branches, afterschool programs, community centers, etc. Or you can set up a ‘maker cart’ that can travel anywhere in the library. Perhaps what your teens need most are maker backpacks that are stuffed with resources and activities they can do at home. [Continue reading at Yalsa Blog]
Four Steps to Self Advocacy [Knowledge Quest]
Why The Battle Between E-Books And Print May Be Over [NPR]
Celebrities, Star Wars and more in the new ALA Graphics Winter Catalog [ALA]
Monster Mayhem: Great Read-Alouds for Inspiring Shivers and Giggles [SLJ]
Top Page-to-Screen Adaptations to Put on Your Radar [SLJ]
Going Inside the Library on Instagram [LOC Blog]
Scholarships, Grants, and Awards Opportunities
Alaska Library Association – Scholarships for Graduate Library Studies.
AkLA has established a scholarship program to support the education of librarians for Alaska’s libraries, including school libraries. The stated purpose is to provide financial assistance to worthy students pursuing graduate studies in Library Science and to encourage graduates to return to Alaska to work in professional library positions. Preference is given to qualified applicants meeting the federal requirements of Alaska Native ethnicity. Three scholarships of $4,000 each may be awarded: one for a Master’s Degree candidate, one for School Library Media Certification (the B. Jo Morse Scholarship), and a third from either category. To be eligible for the scholarship, an applicant must be an Alaskan resident who: Possesses a Bachelor’s Degree or higher from an accredited college or university; Is eligible for acceptance, or is currently enrolled, in a graduate program in Library and Information Science leading to a Master’s Degree or School Library Media Certification, from a university program accredited by the American Library Association; Is or will be a student during the academic year, semester, or academic quarter for which the scholarship is received; and makes a commitment to work in an Alaskan library for a minimum of one year after graduation as a paid employee or volunteer, or for two semesters for one semester’s financial assistance. Completed applications must be received by January 15 of the award year. If you are interested in applying, copies of the guidelines and application forms are available online. If you have questions about graduate library studies or would like paper copies of the scholarship application, contact:
AkLA Scholarship Committee
Alaska State Library
P.O. Box 110571
Juneau, AK 99811-0571 907-465-2916 or 1-888-820-4525
Closing October 30th – EBSCO offers five scholarships to librarians attending 2016 ALA Midwinter Meeting. $1500.
Closing November 1st – [School/Public collaborative] Maureen Hayes Author/Illustrator Award. Up to $4000 to provide a visit from an author/illustrator.
Closing November 30th – Capstone Interactive eBook Matching Grants. Double your Capstone ebook purchasing power. Minimum of $500 towards Capstone Interactive eBooks required by December 15th.
Closing December 1st – Frances Henne/YALSA/VOYA Grant Application. $1000 towards research project.
Closing December 1st – The Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced With Adversity. “$3,000 check + $1,000 travel, along with an odd, symbolic object from his private stash, and a certificate, which may or may not be suitable for framing.”
Closing December — Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries. For first-time recipients. Staffed, designated, and established school libraries with at least 85% Free/Reduced Lunch are eligible. Up to $7,000.
Closing February 1st – AASL Awards season is open. Ten awards open to school libraries and related programs/faculty ranging from $1,250 to $10,000.
[su_frame]If your school has a student population with a 70% or higher rate of free and reduced rate lunch, you are eligible for First Book Marketplace – offering new books at 50 – 90% off retail prices and free books (pay only for shipping).[/su_frame]
Training and Continuing Education Opportunities
Opportunities not fitting your schedule? Many of these webinars will later be available as archives.
Thursday, October 29th, 11am – E-rate: What’s New for 2016?
Thursday, October 29th, 3pm – Play to Learn with Ripped Apart: A Civil War Mystery
Wednesday, October 28, 9-10am – Introduction to Project Budgets
Thursday & Friday, October 29th – 30th, noon – 4pm– The Library of Congress and Teachers Unlocking the Power of Primary Sources, Online Conference
Thursday, November 5th, 11am – Census Bureau Statistics in Schools
Wednesday, November 04, 10-11am – Introduction to Finding Grants
Friday, November 6th, 9-10am – Hour of Code: Computer Programming at Your Library
[su_frame]WebJunction maintains free, self-paced courses and webinar archives on a variety of library management and program subjects.[/su_frame]
[Additional and up-to-date Library Development Training and Continuing Education Calendar.]
As Seen on Alaska School Librarians Facebook
A roundup of resources shared and questions asked on the Alaska School Librarians Facebook group. This is intended to give readers the chance to access resources at work if Facebook is filtered. Only timely questions, announcements, and links to non-Facebook resources are listed here.
10/7: I love the “Correction Baby” feature included in this series! [Nonfiction Challenge: The Hazardous Tales Series].
10/13: Instructions for creating an LED candle. Looks like an interesting Maker opportunity. Module (pdf). Handout (pdf).
10/17: So true… And continues to be important even into high school and college.
10/17: So I might need this shirt… Anyone else?
10/20: Screen time recommendations seem to be constantly changing, often contradictory, and behind the times. I like these new, “not so simple” messages (not guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules) from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
History Net: Today in History
October 18-24: It’s Teen Read Week
October 18-24: It’s National Friends of Libraries Week
October 23rd: Birthday of Laurie Halse Anderson
November is Native American Heritage Month.
November is Picture Book Month
Something You’d Like to See in SAYL Mail?
To share news, success stories, resources, and opportunities, please contact Jared Shucha. The next issue is November 5th.